Virtual communication

美 [ˈvɜːrtʃuəl kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]英 [ˈvɜːtʃuəl kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]
  • 网络虚拟通信;虚拟交往
Virtual communicationVirtual communication
  1. And the basic architecture of the virtual communication system and the implement of virtual transceiver are discussed .


  2. Firstly , according to the theory of linear spectrum shifting , the virtual communication system is equivalent to the baseband system .


  3. Virtual communication will bring loss of main body .


  4. Firstly , virtual communication have a positive and important impact on real communication .


  5. Secondly , virtual communication brings some series of questions .


  6. Finally the mutual relation between virtual communication and real communication is founded .


  7. Analyse the necessity and feasibility of developing the computer virtual communication experiment system . 3 .


  8. In the third part , this paper comprehensively analyses the impact of virtual communication to real communication .


  9. The Subjective Predicaments of College Student in Virtual Communication of Network and Its Settlement


  10. Furthermore , the conception of virtual communication provider was introduced into NGN communication network .


  11. In the virtual communication of network , the subjectivity of modern people is enhancing along with serious predicaments .


  12. Using Finite State Machine Model , setup and release processes of virtual communication channels provided by HSE were particularly studied .


  13. The virtual communication on internet is made easier , by its own characteristics , than the inter-person communication in physical world .


  14. According to different levels of interaction , knowledge-sharing in Educational Virtual Communication can be divided into data-sharing , resource sharing and concept sharing .


  15. When asked to specify a virtual communication port , select a distinct port number that is not used by any other application in the same environment .


  16. The combination of computer and network technology has created the possibility of virtual communication , which in turn expands the forms and space of social network building on the Internet .


  17. This paper refers to the character of virtual communication and the development of real communication and comprehensively and historically analyses the two-side impact to real communication exerting by virtual communication .


  18. Currently , online education has become the main form of Educational Informationization , and the Educational Virtual Communication as the form of online education also has attract more and more peoples ' attention .


  19. It 's very important to seize the real effet on the speech signal for the reality of the virtual communication system , so one of the key techniques is determining the model parameters due to the communication environment .


  20. It 's necessary to find a quick , reliable and static flat for the virtual communication system in order to ensure the trueness and reality , so the structuring of the system flat is the last key technique .


  21. The virtual communication space enables network communication is different from daily communication network . Communicators , communication background , topics , and communicative purpose are generated mutation , and this variation is a major cause of network language variation .


  22. Similarly , in such a virtual communication world , each virtual role corresponds to an authentication identity , such as mobile phone number , fixed telephone number , instant message account , e-mail account and so on .


  23. The system administrators collect materials and set original task state , and they also organize the police . In the basic police affairs information management system , the handling process of simulation on typical police tasks is an important application of virtual communication center .


  24. According to this feature , give full play to the advantages of Multi-Agent Systems in distributed computing and collaboration , and virtual communication service system framework based on Multi-Agent . ( 2 ) Establish a communication based on dynamic compensation of public resources conflict resolution strategies .


  25. The Development of Virtual Data Communication Test System


  26. Development of Virtual Serial Communication Software Based on Ethernet


  27. Research on Virtual Testing Communication Platform Based on RT-TCP / IP


  28. Structure and Interface about Virtual Serial Communication Device


  29. Research and Implemention on Virtual Network Communication Platform Based on TCP / IP


  30. Construction of virtual private communication net
